Change - Begin Again

 “When one door closes, another opens,” said inventor Alexander Graham Bell. It sounds over-the-top, as if change is always a good thing. Most of the time it is, but sometimes it’s not. This is a highly controversial debate that has been taking place all over the world for quite some time, as not everything should end. For example, John D. Rockefeller said “Don’t be afraid to give up the good, for the great.” On the other hand, Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that in this quote we don’t have to take such big steps, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” 

There are many reasons for endings and beginnings. It keeps us climbing and improving in life, to embark on new journeys and opening new doors. This is a good thing as we can keep becoming the best versions of ourselves. Furthermore, endings and beginnings take place around us daily, metaphorically and materialistically. When a child is brought into this world, it is the beginning of a new soul, a new life. When you read the last word in a book, that’s a new ending. Even in sports; when your team wins a preliminary game, it’s a new beginning into the semi-finals, but an ending to the preliminary rounds. Every time an ending occurs, a new one will begin. These types of change and beginnings and endings are materialistic cycles that take place in real life. 

Metaphorical, deeper changes and beginnings are life and death, beginnings and endings of relationships (platonic or not). These changes and cycles let us keep moving to achieve more and not to keep at the same place at every stage of life. Stagnance is never a good thing, we must keep accelerating our intelligence and creating more so we can improve our world for the next generation. 

Change - Begin Again

How do beginnings and endings make us better people? Sometimes they do, but sometimes they don’t. Ending a journey that has been somewhat good so far is risky, but it opens up a world of new possibilities. Furthermore, with new beginnings, we can create many new types of endings. 

In my opinion, most of the time, beginnings and endings are good things. When I made the change and leaped from primary to secondary school, it came with many new things and new possibilities. I ended my journey in primary (with the addition of learning online) and began a new one in secondary. Beginnings and endings are quite like stories. There may be a plot twist, but that makes the story better. Plot twists act as obstacles and hurdles we have to jump over to get through life, but in the end it’s just a new learning experience that you can look back on in the future to reflect and use your experience then in the future. 

Beginnings are also wonderful and significant. They set us off into a new journey and allow us to discover and accomplish many new things. They provide us with many new memories we will always remember and cherish. Beginnings and endings should be considered equally as special and one should not be favoured over the other due to the fact that they both bring good things. 

Sometimes, endings provide hope for the future in my mind as a good thing always eventually comes out, even though it may seem dark at first. As they say, there are always blessings in disguise. No matter the journey, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. Endings should provide hope and they should be celebrated, just like beginnings. 

Although after death we do not know what happens to us, that is also an ending that leads to a beginning (possibly). It ends and begins again, and the cycle is repeated every day on Earth, weekly, monthly, yearly. 

This is a natural cycle in life and it is how life is on Earth. It’s daily life. People die every day, relationships end every day. However, flowers everywhere begin to bloom and blossom, and people are born every day, all over the world. Internationally, every second, there is always something ending, and always something beginning. Whatever category it qualifies in, materialistic or not, it is a wonderful thing that we are capable of having beginnings and endings here.


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