Five Favorites- Teen/Tween Books

Five Favorites-Teen/Tween Books

Welcome back to The Dialogue Diaries, or if you're new, welcome! Today, we'll talk about five of my favorite teen/tween books that you should definitely read. 

5. A Series of Unfortunate Events #5-The Austere Academy (Lemony Snicket)

This is an extreme coincidence seeing as number five (5) is the fifth book in one of my favorite series. However, this particular installment in the series is one of my ultimate favorites and I could re-read it for hours on end.

The Austere Academy takes place in the Baudelaire siblings'(Violet, Klaus and Sunny)next home; Prufrock Preparatory School, where they have to live in an 'Orphan Shack' with crabs and mold. It can't get worse, right? However, a mysterious gym teacher arrives at the school, and makes the Baudelaires run laps at night. Why? Two new friends-Isadora and Duncan Quagmire-help the three siblings untangle this series of unfortunate events and uncover many more secrets about their own lives. 

On Goodreads, The Austere Academy has a 4.0 rating, and all installments of the books are on Netflix-compiled into one series (A Series of Unfortunate Events). It stars Malina Weissman, Louis Hynes, Neil Patrick Harris, Presley Smith and more. Both the Netflix series and books are best suited for 9 year olds and above. 

4. Girl, Missing (Sophie Mckenzie)

Girl, Missing is the first book in the Missing series, which I have written about in a previous post on this blog. Here's a link to that post: Missing Series-The Wise Owl This book is one of the best I've ever read, even though it's lesser known. 

This particular book in the trilogy starts the story of Lauren-a teenage girl-decides to find out more about her biological parents and family, but soon enough, she realizes that nothing is what it seems. 

On a thrilling adventure, this book will draw you in, and you won't be able to put it down for another day, and the Goodreads rating of 4.5 reflects that. This book should be read from age 12 and above. 

3. The Diamond Girls (Jacqueline Wilson)

Let's mix it up now! Instead of a mystery novel, The Diamond Girls is a coming-of-age story that mostly takes place in a fictional place called the Planet Estate. The main character and narrator, Dixie Diamond, is the youngest of four sisters. They are forced to uproot their lives to an old, filthy house by their mother, who is an avid tarot card reader and believer in astrology and destiny. Why? Because she thinks it's best for her four daughters, and her son on the way.

Although Jacqueline Wilson is quite a well-known author, this is one of her books that isn't quite famous, but even so, it has a respectable 3.7 rating on Goodreads. The book is most suitable for 10-14 year olds. 

2. Splash (Charli Howard)

For her first children's novel, Charli Howard really made a splash (pun intended!) with this book. A coming-of-age book about bullying and body image issues lets young girls know that all types of bodies are beautiful and you can be whoever you want. 

Published in 2018, this book focuses on a girl named Molly who lives with her grandparents and has secret dreams of becoming an Olympic swimmer one day. However, after a surprise appearance from her mother who abandoned her and people bullying her, Molly thinks nothing is the same. 

With a high rating of 4.2 on Goodreads, this book is a hit and if you're a parent of a teen/tween girl, you should definitely get this book for them. 

1. Little Darlings (Jacqueline Wilson)

Finally at Number One, we have Little Darlings by Jacqueline Wilson. This book is narrated by two different, polar opposite perspectives, that only have one thing in common; they have the same father-an ageing rock star called Danny Kilman. The first daughter-Destiny-was the product of an affair with a young fan, and the second-Sunset-is one of three legitimate children.

One night, on Destiny's birthday, Destiny and her mother(the fan) go to a film premiere in which Danny Kilman acts in, so Destiny may reunite with her father, but it turns out to be a failed attempt, so Destiny and her mother attempt to contact him again, but they fail. However, they do meet Sunset, who also realizes that her mother and father are heading for a failed marriage...

This book has a Goodreads rating of 3.98, and this reflects the starry vocabulary, interesting plot, and relatable characters that are suitable for ages 10-14

In conclusion, these books are the perfect stories you should share with any tweens or teens you know, but if you're interested in these books, feel free to read them yourself!

Image credits: Google Images 


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